Tools → Security Manager

About the Security Manager

The Security Manager allows you to create and manage users and groups so as to both enable sharing and restrict access. Using built-in Security Roles, you are able to assign access permissions to groups of users. Known as a Role Based Access Control (RBAC), you can easily enforce access to certain features and functionality within Incorta.

Using the Security Manager

By default, the Super User (the Tenant Administrator) has the SuperRole, which is covered in security roles. Roles are immutable permission settings that can be applied to groups. You cannot create, edit, or delete a role. As a user with the ability to manage security, you create groups and assign permissions to them using one or more roles. You can assign one or more groups to a user to give them the desired permissions.

Security Role Management

Incorta’s security model is optimistic, meaning that Incorta enforces the least restrictive role permissions and access rights.

Role Based Access Control

Role Based Access Control (RBAC) enforces access to certain features and functionality within the Incorta Analytics Service. There is no direct way to assign a role to a user, with two exceptions:

  • All users inherit the User role.
  • A tenant administrator inherits the SuperUser role unless otherwise configured for the tenant.

In Incorta, a user belongs to zero or more groups, and a group is assigned to zero or more roles.


While RBAC, through permissions, controls access to features and functionality, access rights refer to the individual access to an object. For example: The user Tom gives access rights to Rachel to view a dashboard Tom has created.

Role properties

The following table describes the roles and associated permissions, accessible from the Roles tab in the context menu of the Security Manager:

Role Description Permissions
Analyze User Manages folders and dashboards and has access to the Analyzer screen. This role creates Dashboards with shared and personal (requires Schema Manager) schemas. This role also shares with the Share option, shares through email, or schedules Dashboards for sharing via email. Can Manage: Catalog
Can View: Schema
Dashboard Analyzer In addition to viewing and sharing the dashboards available to the user role, this role will also be able to personalize the dashboards shared with them. Can Share: Catalog
Individual Analyzer Creates new dashboards using shared or personal schemas (requires Schema Manager). This role cannot share or send dashboards via email. Can Manage: Catalog
Can View: Schema
Privileged User Shares and schedules sending dashboards via emails. Can Share: Catalog
Schema Manager Creates schemas and data sources and loads the data into the schemas. This role also shares the schemas with other users so they can create dashboards. Can Manage: Schema, Data
SuperRole Manages users, groups, and roles. Can create users and groups. This role also creates schemas and dashboards without requiring any additional roles. This is the master Admin role. Can Manage: Security, Catalog, Schema, Data
User The default roles assigned to an end-user assigned to a group. This role views any dashboard shared with them. This role can apply filters but cannot change the underlying metadata. Can View: Catalog
User Manager Creates and manages groups and users. Creates groups and adds roles. Adds users to groups. Can Manage: Security

Note that Catalog refers to the Content tab in the Navigation bar.

Group Management

As a user with security edit access, you are able to create, edit, or delete groups. You assign a group one or more roles from the Edit Group drawer. In addition, you are able to add users to a group through the Edit Group drawer.

Group Properties

The following are the group properties found in the Groups tab of the Security Manager:

Properties Description
Name The group name
Description Optional group description
Add User(s) Visible by hovering over the desired group. Open the Add User(s) to Group(s) window.
Delete Visible by hovering over the desired group. Delete the selected group.
Add Role(s) Visible by hovering over the desired group. Open the Add Role(s) to Group(s) window.

Create a Group

The following are the steps to a create a group:

  • In the Navigation bar, select Security.
  • In the Action bar, select + New.
  • From the drop down menu, select Add Group.
  • In the Add Group dialog, enter a group Name.
  • Optionally, enter a group description.
  • Select Add.

Edit Group Properties

When you select a group from the Groups tab, the Edit Group drawer will open. The Edit Group drawer is split into three sections.

Edit Group Info properties

The following are the properties of the Edit Group drawer Info section:

Property Description
Name The group name
Description Optional group description

Edit Group Users properties

From the Users section of the Edit Group drawer, you are able to view the user name and email of users in the group. You can easily search for users within the group using the search bar.

The following are the properties of users in the Users section of the Edit Group drawer:

Property Description
Name The user name
Email The users email

Add users to a group

From the Groups tab or the Edit Group drawer, you can access the Add User(s) to Group(s) window. Using this window, you can add one or more users to a group. From the Edit Group drawer, access the Add User(s) to Group(s) window in the Users section and select the Add User(s) icon (+ icon).

The Add User(s) to Group(s) window will only display users not currently in the group. You can search users using the search bar at the top of the window. Usernames and emails will be displayed in the window.

The following are the steps to access the Add User(s) to Group(s) window and add one or more users to a group:

  • In the Navigation bar, select Security.
  • In the Context bar, select Groups.
  • Hover over the desired group, select Add User(s) (people icon).

    • Optionally, you can select the desired group to open the Edit Group drawer.

      • Select Users.
      • Select Add User(s) (+ icon).
    • You may use the checkboxes in the Groups tab to select multiple groups before selecting Add Users(s) (people icon). This will allow you to add users to multiple groups at once.
  • Select one or more users from the list. You may use the search bar to filter the list.
  • Select Add.

Remove a user from a group

The following are the steps to remove one or more users from a group:

  • In the Navigation bar, select Security.
  • In the Context bar, select Groups.
  • Select the desired group.
  • In the Edit Group drawer, select Users.
  • Select one or more users.
  • Select Remove (trash icon).

Edit Group Roles properties

The following are the role properties in the Roles section of the Edit Group drawer:

Property Description
Role The role name
Permissions The granted permissions of the role.

Add roles to a group

The following are the steps to add roles to a group:

  • In the Navigation bar, select Security.
  • In the Context bar, select Groups.
  • Select the desired group.
  • In the Edit Group drawer, select Roles.
  • Select Add Role(s) (+ icon).
  • From the Add Role(s) to Group(s) drawer, select the desired roles for the group.
  • Select Add.

Optionally, you can select more than one group from the Groups tab. After selecting groups, select Add Role(s) from More Options (kebab icon). This will open the Add Role(s) to Group(s) window.

Remove roles from a group

The following are the steps to remove roles from a group:

  • In the Navigation bar, select Security.
  • In the Context bar, select Groups.
  • Select the desired group.
  • In the Edit Group drawer, select Roles.
  • Select one or more roles from the drawer.
  • Select delete (trash icon).

Group API Key Enablement

Only a SuperUser can manage API Key access for groups and users. You can enable or disable API Key Generation, for the Incorta Public API, for one or more groups from the Groups tab. Users will still need to generate their individual API key once access has been granted.

The following are the steps to enable or disable API Key generation for groups:

  • In the Navigation bar, select Security.
  • In the Action bar, select Groups.
  • Select one or more groups.
  • From the Groups tab, select More Options(kebab icon).
  • Select Enable API Key Generation or Disable API Generation.

If you disable API key generation for all users in a group, the active API keys for those group users become immediately invalidated. For this reason, managing an API key by group is not recommended. Rather, a specific user should be associated with an API key.

Delete a group

The following are the steps to delete a group:

  • In the Navigation bar, select Security.
  • In the Context bar, select Groups.
  • Select the desired group(s).
  • Select delete (trash icon).

When you delete a group, the group and all role permissions for that group are removed from all users that were in the deleted group.

User Management

User properties

The following are the properties of a user in the Users tab of the Security Manager:

Property Description
Name The user display name.
Email The user email.
Authentication Type The Authentication type for this user. Authentication types are controlled in tenant Security of the CMC.
Last Signed In The last time the user signed in.

Edit User properties

You can access the detailed properties of an individual user by selecting them from the Users tab.

User general properties

The following are the user properties in the General section of the Edit User drawer:

Property Control Description
Login Name immutable The user login name.
Profile Image file selection Upload an image to use as the user profile image. The file type must be a JPEG or PNG, and the file size is limited to 2MB.
Display Name text box Enter the user’s display name.
Email text box Enter the user email.
Language drop down menu Select the user’s language. Available options are:
Arabic, Chinese(Simplified), Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, and Spanish.
Region Format drop down menu Select the user’s GMT based time zone.
Time Zone drop down menu Select the user’s GMT based time zone.
Calendar drop down menu Select the calendar format for the user.

User group membership properties

The following are the user properties in the Group Membership section of the Edit User drawer:

Property Description
Name The group name
Description The description of the group

User security properties

The following are the user properties in the Group Membership section of the Edit User drawer:

Property Control Description
Enable API Key Generation toggle Only visible as a SuperUser. Toggle API key generation for the selected user.
Current Password text box Only available in the drawer of the logged in user. Enter the current user password.
Password text box Only available in the drawer of the logged in user. Enter a new password.
Confirm Password text box Only available in the drawer of the logged in user. Confirm new password.
Reset Password button Only available to users with Security management privileges. An email will be sent to the user with a link to reset their password.
Login As button Only available to a SuperUser. Temporarily log into Incorta as the selected user. For additional information, see Additional Considerations.
Delete User button Delete the selected user.
Generate/Renew API Key button Only visible to a user that has API key generation enabled. Generate a new API key.
Copy Key button Only visible to a user that has API key generation enabled. Copy the current API key to the clipboard.

User Appearance properties

The appearance properties section is only visible to the currently logged in user.

The following are the user properties in the Appearance section of the Edit User drawer:

Property Control Description
Dark Theme toggle Enable Incorta dark mode for the selected user.
Reduce Motion toggle Enable a visually reduced motion for Interaction with chart legends.

Create a new user

The following are the steps to create new user:

  • In the Navigation bar, select Security.
  • In the Context bar, select + New.
  • Select Add User.
  • Enter the desired user properties.
  • Select Add.

Add a group to a user’s group membership

The following are the steps to add a group to a user’s group membership:

  • In the Navigation bar, select Security.
  • In the Context bar, select Users.
  • Select the desired user.
  • Optionally, you can select multiple users and select the Add to Group(s) (people icon).
  • In the Edit User drawer, select the Group Membership section.
  • Select the Add to Group(s) (+ icon).
  • Select the desired groups to add the user to.
  • Select Add.

Remove a group from a user’s group membership

The following are the steps to remove a group from a user’s group membership:

  • In the Navigation bar, select Security.
  • In the Context bar, select Users.
  • Select the desired user.
  • In the Edit User drawer, select the Group Membership section.
  • Select the desired groups to remove from the user.
  • Select delete (trash icon).

Import and synchronize users and groups

Starting with the 5.0.2 release, you can synchronize Incorta users and groups with users and groups that are stored in an Incorta physical schema in the same tenant using the Security Manager without the need to add or edit them one by one or to use a command-line interface (CLI).

As a Cluster Management Console (CMC) administrator or a Super User, you can access the Security Manager and synchronize users, groups, and their assignments in an Incorta physical schema. Users and groups you need to synchronize must fulfill the naming convention and other rules (such as the name length) that apply to users and groups in Incorta; otherwise, they will not be synchronized.


By design, the synchronization process continues on failure or error. Thus, if an item (user, group, or relation) fails to synchronize, the process will continue to synchronize other items, if any.

You can create a .properties configuration file that maps the columns in the physical schema objects to user and group details in the Incorta metadata database. You can also download a template of this file to help you provide the required information. Then, you can upload this file to Incorta and have users, groups, and relations imported to or updated in the metadata database.

Incorta physical schema prerequisites

The physical schema that you can use to synchronize users and groups must have the required details of the users, groups, and their relations or assignments (users’ group membership).


These user and group details can exist in one or more physical schemas, and in one or more objects.

The physical schema(s) must have the following minimal information:

Object Information Comments
Users Login Name Required
Email Required
Display Name Required
Groups Group Name Required
Description Optional

Incorta supports two different modes to define the user-group relations: groups mode and roles mode. Users and groups can have direct relation (groups assignment mode), or they can be related using a common property or attribute, such as the department, location, or job (roles assignment mode). As a result, the assignment details can exist in the physical schema as follows:

  • A single physical schema object that contains users and their assigned groups
  • Two physical schema objects; one to define the relation between users and the common attribute and the other to define the relationship between the group and the common attribute.

The properties file refers to the common attribute as role. Do not mix this up with Incorta Roles.


The relation between users and groups is many-to-many. So a group can have multiple users and a user can be a member in multiple groups. Thus, the same user or group can have multiple records or rows in the assignment table(s).

The following table shows the information that must be available in the physical schema in the case of using the groups assignment mode (that is, users and groups are directly related):

Object Information Comments
User-group assignment User Required
Group Required
Operation Optional
A value that you want to check to either skip a record or to include it in the synchronization process

The following table shows the required information in the case of using the roles assignment mode (that is, users and groups are connected through a common attribute):

Object Information Comments
User-property assignment User Required
Attribute Required
Operation Optional
A value that you want to check to either skip a record or to include it in the synchronization process
Group-property assignment Group Required
Attribute Required
Operation Optional
A value that you want to check to either skip a record or to include it in the synchronization process

Preparing the properties file

You must have a .properties file that maps the physical schema object columns to Incorta user and group details. You can either create the file from scratch or download a template file and update it. You must enter the column fully qualified name in the following format: physical_schema.object.column, for example,

Here are the steps to download and update the template file:

  • Sign in to the Incorta Direct Data Platform™ as an Incorta Super User or CMC administrator.
  • In the Navigation bar, select Security.
  • In the Context bar, select + NewInsert Users.
  • In the Insert users via a properties file dialog, select Download a template properties file.
  • Update the file with the required information and then save it.

The following table shows the contents of the properties file for the users and groups:

Property Required Description
user.login Yes Enter the fully qualified name of the column that maps to the user login name Yes Enter the fully qualified name of the column that maps to the user’s email Yes Enter the fully qualified name of the column that maps to the user’s display name
user.lang Yes Enter the fully qualified name of the column that maps to the user language, or enter it in the following format: "Language"
The default is English. Yes Enter the fully qualified name of the column that maps to the user’s country, or enter it in the following format: "Country"
The default is US.
user.timezone Yes Enter the fully qualified name of the column that maps to the user’s timezone, or enter it in the following format: "TimeZone"
The default is GMT-08:00.
user.calendar Yes Enter the fully qualified name of the column that maps to the user’s calendar, or enter it in the following format: "Calendar"
The default is Gregorian.
user.type Yes Enter the fully qualified name of the column that maps to the user authentication type, or enter it in the following format: "Type".
Valid options are:
  • SSO
  • Internal
  • LDAP
  • Yes Enter the fully qualified name of the column that maps to the group name
    group.description Yes Enter the fully qualified name of the column that maps to the group description
    group.type Yes Enter the fully qualified name of the column that maps to the group type, or enter it in the following format: "Type".
    Valid options are:
  • SSO
  • Internal
  • LDAP
  • The following table shows the contents of the properties file that you must provide in the case of using the groups assignment mode:

    Property Required Description Yes Enter the fully qualified name of the column that maps to the group name or the group’s unique identifier in the user-group assignment table
    user-group.user Yes Enter the fully qualified name of the column that maps to the user name or the user’s unique identifier in the user-group assignment table
    user-group.operation No Enter the fully qualified name of the column that maps to the operation column in the user-group assignment table
    user-group.deleteOperation No Enter a value that you want to check against the Operation column in the user-group assignment table. Rows or records with a matched value will be skipped during the synchronization process.

    The following table shows the contents of the properties file that you must define in the case of using the roles assignment mode:

    Property Required Description
    function-roles.function Yes Enter the fully qualified name of the column that maps to the group name or the group’s unique identifier in the group-role assignment table
    function-roles.role Yes Enter the fully qualified name of the column that maps to the role name or the role’s unique identifier in the group-role assignment table
    function-roles.operation No Enter the fully qualified name of the column that maps to the Operation column in the group-role assignment table
    function-roles.deleteOperation No Enter a value that you want to check against the Operation column in the group-role assignment table. Rows or records with a matched value will be skipped during the synchronization process.
    user-roles.user Yes Enter the fully qualified name of the column that maps to the user name or the user’s unique identifier in the user-role assignment table
    user-roles.role Yes Enter the fully qualified name of the column that maps to the role name or the role’s unique identifier in the user-role assignment table
    user-roles.operation No Enter the fully qualified name of the column that maps to the Operation column in the user-role assignment table
    user-roles.deleteOperation No Enter a value that you want to check against the Operation column in the user-role assignment table. Rows or records with a matched value will be skipped during the synchronization process.

    The following table shows the contents of the properties file related to the global configurations:

    Property Required Description
    autoGenerateGroup Yes Enter true or false. When set to true, all groups that exist in the physical schema object are added, as appropriate. When set to false, the groups section in the properties file is skipped, so no groups will be added.
    Fullsync Yes Enter true or false. When set to true, it removes all assignments related to each group in the physical schema before adding the group’s new assignments. When set to false, it adds the new assignments while keeping existing ones.
    assignmentMode Yes Define the assignment mode: groups or roles

    Import and synchronize Incorta users and groups with an Incorta physical schema

    Here are the steps to import and synchronize Incorta users and groups with users and groups in a physical schema using the .properties file that you have prepared:

    • Sign in to the Incorta Direct Data Platform™ as an Incorta Super User or CMC administrator.
    • In the Navigation bar, select Security.
    • In the Context bar, select + NewInsert Users.
    • In the Insert users via a properties file dialog, select Upload file, and then select the properties file you have prepared.

      • If you want to select another file, select Delete (trash can icon) next to the selected file name, and then select Upload file again to select the file you want.
    • Select Execute.

    If the file you provide does not have all the required information, an error message appears after executing the synchronization process denoting the missing or wrong information.

    Review the synchronization report

    In the case of a successful synchronization process, only a message will denote that the synchronization is successful. However, if the synchronization partially fails, the confirmation message will show the number of synchronized items and the number of failed ones. There will be a link to show the details of failed items. Select the link and review the list of failed items with the related error. You can copy the details of failed items to the Clipboard to save them.

    User API Key Enablement

    Only a SuperUser can manage API Key access for groups and users. You can enable or disable API Key Generation, for the Incorta Public API, for one or more users from the Users tab. Users will still need to generate their individual API key once access has been granted.

    The following are the steps to enable or disable API Key generation for users:

    • As an Incorta Super User, sign into the Incorta Direct Data Platform™.
    • In the Navigation bar, select Security.
    • In the Action bar, select Users.
    • Select the checkbox next to each user for which you would like to enable/disable API key generation.
    • From the more options menu (kebab icon), select Enable/Disable API Key Generation.

    Delete a user

    When you delete a user, Incorta will inform you of what content they have created and have ownership of. The content must either be deleted or ownership transferred to another user. You can not delete more than one user at a time and a user cannot delete their own account.

    The following are the steps to delete a user:

    • In the Navigation bar, select Security.
    • In the Context bar, select Users.
    • Select the desired user.
    • Select delete (trash icon).
    • In Check:

      • Incorta will inform you if the selected user owns content.
      • If the user owns no content:

        • You can select Next and proceed to Confirm.
      • If the user owns content:

        • Incorta will list the quantity of each type of entity the user owns.
        • You must select one of the following options:

          • Delete the entities owned by the user.
          • Or, transfer ownership to the current/another user.
    • In Transfer:

      • Select if sharing permissions, sharing access rights, are transferred to the new owner.
      • Select to transfer to the current user or another user.
      • When you select Next, the ownership transfer is completed immediately.
    • In Confirm:

      • Select Delete.

    Additional Considerations

    Login As feature

    A user that inherits the SuperRole has the ability to impersonate a user. The SuperUser is able to use the Login As feature to impersonate another Incorta user. You can access the feature from the Edit User drawer. Once active, you will be restricted to the same permission and shared access as the impersonated user. Any changes you make to the user’s content or user settings will be reflected in the user’s account. To return to your SuperUser account, select Switch Back from the profile menu in the top right corner of the Action bar.

    An impersonated user receives an email notifying them of their impersonation. However, this requires SMTP configuration for the Incorta Cluster.

    To limit the possibility of unwanted user impersonation, Incorta strongly encourages that security administrators limit the number of users that inherit the SuperRole as well as configure SMTP for the Incorta Cluster.

    To learn more about SMTP configuration, please review Email Configuration.

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