Cluster Management Console (CMC)

The Cluster Management Console (CMC) is a web UI application developed by Incorta to help administrators:

  • Create and manage a cluster.
  • Create and manage Incorta nodes.
  • Create, add, start, or stop a loader and analytics service in a cluster.
  • Create, import, or export a tenant.
  • Filter and view log files for tenants, services, by date, and by service type.
  • Set default configuration options for:

    • Servers
    • All tenants
    • Individual tenants ()

Log in to the CMC

After you complete the Incorta installation steps, navigate to the CMC at the following URL to complete the cluster setup: <IP_ADDRESS>:<HTTP_CONNECTOR_PORT>/CMC. For example, localhost:6060/cmc.

Create a tenant using the CMC

You can create a tenant after you install Incorta Analytics.

To create a tenant using the CMC:

  1. Select Clusters in the panel on the left-hand side.
  2. Select the cluster where you want to create a tenant.
  3. Select the Tenants tab.
  4. Select +New.
  5. Select Create Tenant, to create a new tenant, or select Import Tenant to import a tenant that you can have exported from another environment or received as a separate file.
  6. Create a unique name and credentials for the new tenant, ensuring the Path field contains a directory that is accessible by all the nodes withing a cluster.
  7. Enable the Include Sample Data option to include sample schemas and dashboards with the installation, then select Next. This is recommended to verify that everything is working properly post installation, and before uploading your data.
  8. Provide an email address and password to use as the sender’s email when sending dashboards then select Create.
  9. Select Login, to log in to Incorta’s web application in a browser with the tenant just created.
  10. Configure the tenant just created.

Update CMC Login

Update your CMC username or password by following the steps for the version of Incorta you are running.

For Incorta v4.3 or later:

If you are running Incorta v4.3 or earlier, use the following instructions to change your username or password.

Update CMC Username

  1. Go to <incorta_instalation>/cmc.
  2. Stop cmc ./
  3. Open cmc.cfg nano cmc.cfg.
  4. Change cmc.admin.user = <new-username>.

Update CMC Password

  1. Go to <incorta_instalation>/cmc/util.
  2. Run this command ./ -rp <new-password>​​​.
  3. Go to <incorta_instalation>/cmc.
  4. Start cmc ​./

For Incorta v4.3 or earlier:

If you are running Incorta v4.3 or earlier, use the following instructions to change your username or password.

Update CMC Username

  1. Go to <INSTALLATION_PATH>/cmc/conf.
  2. Edit the tomcat-users.xml.
  3. Change the following line with the new username: username=<NEW_USERNAME>.
  4. Restart CMC.

Update CMC Password

  1. Go to <INSTALLATION_PATH>/cmc/bin.
  2. Generate the encrypted password

    • Linux: ./ -a SHA1 <PASSWORD>
    • Windows: digest.bat -a SHA1 <PASSWORD>
    • Example output: <PLAIN_TEXT>:<ENCRYPTED_PASSWORD>
  3. Go to <INSTALLATION_PATH>/cmc/conf.
  4. Edit the
  5. Change the following line with the new encrypted password: tomcatAdminPassword=<ENCRYPTED_PASSWORD>
  6. Restart CMC.

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