Workday Connector
Connect Workday and Incorta
Using Workday Web Services and the Incorta Workday Connector, you can easily create a Workday schema and load Workday data for analysis into Incorta. For example, you can analyze Workday Human Capital Management Business Services data which includes details about Employees, Contingent Workers, and Organizations.
Workday Web Services (WWS) handles requests for Workday business objects. A Web Service Description Language (.wsdl) file describes the entity hierarchy of the Workday business objects.
To learn more about the various versions of the Workday Web Service API, please visit Workday Web Services (WWS) Version Directory.
Apache Avro Requirement
Incorta uses Apache Avro as an open source standard to describe structured data. With the Workday connector, Incorta provides a default Apache Avro file for Workday Human Resources (HR) Web Services. This Avro file defines the Workday business objects that the Workday WSDL describes.
In order to refine how Workday entities and entity relationships map to an Incorta destination schema of Workday tables and joins, you can edit and customize the default Avro file.
Customize an Apache Avro file
To customize the default Avro file, you can add and modify Avro annotations. To learn more about annotations for Avro, review the Avro annotations for the Apache Kafka Connector.
Install and Deploy the Workday Connector
You install and deploy the Workday Connector as a separate JAR file. As a separate JAR file, the Workday Connector can be separately upgraded from Incorta itself.
Here are the steps to install and deploy the Workday Connector:
- For the version of the Workday Connector JAR file that supports your version of Incorta, contact Incorta Support.
- Using the link provided from Incorta Support, download the Work Connector JAR file to the host machines running Incorta Nodes in your Incorta Cluster.
For all Incorta Nodes in your Incorta Cluster, create the following directory:
sudo su incorta cd /home/incorta/IncortaAnalytics/IncortaNode/extensions/connectors mkdir workday/
Copy the connector JAR to workday folder:
cp /tmp/workday_connector.jar /home/incorta/IncortaAnalytics/IncortaNode/extensions/connectors/workday/workday_connector.jar
- In the Cluster Management Console, for the Incorta Cluster, restart the Analytics and Loader Services.
Create a Workday Data Source
The Workday JAR file must exist on all Incorta Nodes running Analytics and Loader Services. The Workday Connector for Incorta requires the following:
- Web Service URL: URL for the Web Service endpoint
- Authentication Type: Email/Password or Token for web service authentication
- API Version: Version of the Workday Web Services application programming interface
- Mapping File: Avro file that maps entities
Here are the steps to create a Workday data source:
- Sign in to the Incorta Unified Data Analytics Platform.
- In the Navigation bar, select Data.
- In the Actions bar, select + New, then select Add Data.
- In the Choose a Data Source dialog, in Application, select Workday.
In the New Data Source dialog, specify the:
- Data Source Name
- Web Service URL
- Authentication Type as either Email/Password or Token
- For Email/Password, specify the following:
- User Email: the user email for the Workday tenant.
- Password: the user password.
- For Token, specify the Token ID.
- API Version
- Mapping file
- To test, select Test Connection.
- Select Ok to save your changes.
Create a Workday Schema
The Avro file specified in your Workday data source will define both the tables and table relations for the Workday schema.
Here are the steps to create a Workday schema using the Schema Wizard:
- Sign in to the Incorta Unified Data Analytics Platform.
- In the Navigation bar, select Schema.
- In the Actions bar, select + New, then select Schema Wizard.
In (1) Choose a Source…
- In Enter a name, specify the schema name.
- In Select a Datasource, select the Workday data source.
- In Enter a description, optionally specify a description.
- In the Schema Wizard footer, select Next.
- In (2) Manage Tables, in the Data Panel, first select the name of the Data Source, and the check the Select All checkbox.
- In the Schema Wizard footer, select Next.
- In (3) Finalize, in the Schema Wizard footer, select Create Schema.
Load the Workday Schema
With a Workday schema successfully created, you can now perform a Full Load of the schema. Here are the steps to perform a Full Load of the Workday schema.
- Sign in to the Incorta Unified Data Analytics Platform.
- In the Navigation bar, select Schema.
- In the list of schemas, select the Workday schema.
- In the Schema Designer, in the Action bar, select Load → Load Now → Full.
- To review the load status, in Last Load Status, select the date.
With the full load of the Workload schema complete, you can now create dashboards using the Analyzer. To open the Analyzer from the schema, follow these steps:
- In the Navigation bar, select Schema.
- In the list of schemas, select the Workday schema.
- In the Schema Designer, in the Action bar, select Explore Data.