Concepts → Distinct Filter

About a distinct filter

You can use a distinct filter to show only unique values. In terms of SQL, the distinct filter is synonymous with the SELECT DISTINCT statement.

A common use case for a distinct filter would be an insight that shows a distinct product from a transaction table. Without the filter, the table shows more than 9 million rows. With a distinct filter, the table shows 266 rows. Critically, the distinct filter will not aggregate data. In the prior example only each unique product will be listed. The distinct filter will not, for example, aggregate the revenue from each unit of that product.

When you use a distinct filter the use case should not rely on the values of related columns. The distinct filter is designed to efficiently provide the distinct values in a desired column, without consideration to the order of values in related columns.

Distinct filter properties

The following are the properties of a distinct filter, accessible by clicking the pill once added to the Distinct Filter tray:

Property Description
Column Label Change the label of the filter pill in the Analyzer

Create a distinct filter

You can only create a distinct filter within the Analyzer. A distinct filter can be used with a key, dimension, or measure column from a physical schema table or business schema view. You cannot use the Add Formula feature of the Analyzer as a distinct filter.

Important: Incorta View

When a measure and/or dimension pills are columns or formula columns from an Incorta View, all filterable columns must be from the Incorta View. Similarly, if the measures and/or dimensions pills are not columns or formula columns from an Incorta View, all filterable columns must not be from an Incorta View.

Applicable visualizations

The following are the visualizations that can be used with a distinct filter:


In both a listing table and aggregated table, you cannot use a distinct filter when utilizing the grouping dimension.

The following are the steps to create a distinct filter in the Analyzer:

  • In the Analyzer, from the Data panel select Add Data Set.
  • Select the desired tables and views to add to the Analyzer.
  • From the insight panel, select a visualization (Listing or Aggregated Table).
  • Drag and drop the desired columns from the Data panel to the Measures tray.
  • Drag and drop a column to the Distinct Filters tray.

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