Tenant Configurations
This section contains information about security-related configurations, including authentication options within Incorta Analytics. In the Authentication Type field, you can choose one of the following:
- Incorta Authentication: If you choose this option, you will be able to log in using the Incorta Analytics username and password. You can also configure password rules and other security-related options.
- Enable Super User Mode: Enable this property to enable non-Admin users with a “Super User” role to access all content within a tenant (just like an Admin). Disable this option to restrict content access for all non-Admin users to only content that is shared with them.
- Minimum Password Length: Provide the minimum number of characters, as a rule for the password length.
- Password Cannot Include Username: Enable this option to restrict using usernames in passwords.
- Require Lower Case Letters: Enable this option to require lower-case letters in passwords.
- Require Upper Case Letters: Enable this option to require upper-case letters in passwords.
- Require Digits: Enable this option to require digits in passwords.
- Require Special Characters: Enable this option to require special characters in passwords.
- Enable Support for Password-Protected Excel Files: Enable this property to support uploading password-protected Excel files in the data files section of the Incorta application. For this feature to work, you must install Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) using the following steps:
- Download and extract JCE from http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jce8-download-2133166.html
- Copy the JCE jar files “local_policy.jar” and “US_export_policy.jar” into
the following directory:
- Restart Incorta.
- SSO: For information about integrating Incorta Analytics with SSO, please download the Incorta Analytics Admin Guide from the support website under DOCUMENTATION > VERSION <VERSION_NO> DOCUMENTATION_SET.
Ldap: If you choose this type, you will need to configure the following properties:
- Base Provider URL: Provide the URL needed to access the LDAP server (e.g. ldap://<LDAP_SERVER_HOST>:<LDAP_SERVER_PORT>). This property must be set if the LDAP authentication is selected. Changing this value requires restarting all the loader and analytics services.
- Base Distinguished Name: This attribute describes the location where the LDAP search should begin. Changing this value requires a server restart for all the loader and analytics services.
- System User: Provide the LDAP System User, who has the privilege to query users. If searching the ldap server does not require authentification, you do not need to set this property. Changing this value requires restarting all the loader and analytics services.
- System User Password: Provide the password for the LDAP system user here. Changing this value requires restarting all the loader and analytics services.
- User Mapping Login: This field requires the unique identifier (i.e. attribute) in LDAP that can be used to log in to Incorta Analytics. That is, the column name containing a unique identifier for each user in LDAP (e.g. email, ID, etc.). Changing this value requires restarting all the loader and analytics services.
- User Mapping Authentication: This field is optional and does not get stored. The attribute entered here is used by Incorta Analytics to authenticate users. If left empty, the value entered in the User Mapping Login field will be used. Changing this value requires restarting all the loader and analytics services.
Important: Select Save before navigating away from this page, to avoid losing unsaved data.
Regional Settings
This section is still under development. When it is released, you will be able to use it in configuring the following settings:
- Language: Set the default language in this field. Use the ISO two-letter codes.
- Country: Set the default country in this field.
- Character Set: Provide a character set encoding type.
- Text Direction: Choose a text direction from the list in this field. “ltr” refers to “Left To Right” while “rtl” refers to “Right To Left”.
- Time Zone: Set the default time zone in this field.
Important: Select Save before navigating away from this page, to avoid losing unsaved data.
In this section, you can configure the tenant email by setting the following properties:
- SMTP Host: Provide the server that will be used to send emails, e.g. smtp.gmail.com..
- Enable SMTP SSL: Enable or disable TLS in this field.
- Socket Factory Port: Provide the port number to be used for connection when using the SMTP Socket Factory.
- Email Host Requires Authentication: Set this property to “true” if the email host (e.g. gmail) requires authentication before sending an email.
- SMTP Server Port: Provide the port number to be used to connect to the email server.
- Email Server Protocol: Select an email protocol.
- Export Server Timeout in Seconds: Provide the timeout for the export server used when sending (or scheduling to send) dashboards. If a dashboard fails to get sent due to the server timeout, then increasing this value should solve the issue.
- System Email Address: Provide the email address that will be used as the sender when sending dashboards or notifications.
- Person Name: Provide the name that will be displayed as the sender.
- System Email Password: Provide the email password for the email that will be used as the sender when sending dashboards or notifications. This property is optional. You can leave it blank if the email relay server does not require a password for the sender’s email.
- Forgot Password Email Subject: Provide the text you want to be shown in the subject line of password-recovery emails.
The following three properties configure the URL that would be used when sending a dashboard using email. The sent dashboard link would be generated using these values.
- Server URL Protocol: Select a server scheme.
- Server name: Provide the current server name, e.g. localhost.
- Server port: Provide the current server port, e.g. 8080.
- Enable Notifications: Enable this property to send email notifications when sharing dashboards.
- Notification Email Subject: Provide the text you want to be shown in the subject line of sharing notification emails.
- Enable Internal Error Notifications: Enable email notifications in case of internal errors, otherwise, disable.
- Internal Error Notification Subject: Provide the text you want to be shown in the subject line of internal error notification emails.
Important: Select Save before navigating away from this page, to avoid losing unsaved data.
Data Loading
This section contains the loader configuration properties. That is, anything related to data extraction from data sources, loading to/from the staging area, schema loading, etc.
- Enable Always Compact: Enable this property to trigger automatic compaction after every successful extraction from a data source. To compact a preloaded schema, either restart the server, or reload that schema (full or incremental). If you are using SQL interface, you must enable this property, otherwise, no data would be returned.
- Stop Loading on First Error: Enable this property to stop a schema from loading on the first encountered error.
Shared Folders
The Shared Folders feature enables users to send (or schedule to send) dashboards in any of the supported formats (i.e. HTML, CSV, XLSX) to folders located on the Incorta Analytics host server. This section helps admins set up this feature by specifying the following:
- Folder Name: Provide the destination folder name that is located on the Incorta host server. This is the name that would be used when sending or scheduling a dashboard in any dashboard screen.
- Folder Path: Provide the destination folder path that is located on the Incorta host server.
After configuring the above properties, Select Add to add the folder. Newly added folders are automatically appended to the bottom of the folders list. To remove a folder, scroll down to locate it and select Remove.
Important: Select Save before navigating away from this page, to avoid losing unsaved data.
- Google Maps API Key: Provide the key for the Google Maps JavaScript API from the Google Maps APIs section, which can be accessed at https://console.developers.google.com/.
- Apple Maps Developer Team ID: To integrate Incorta with Apple Maps, provide the developer team ID, as one of the required parameters. This would enable the use of Apple Maps in Incorta’s maps visualizations. For more information, refer to https://developer.apple.com/documentation/mapkitjs/settingupmapkit_js.
- Apple MapKit JS Key ID: To integrate Incorta with Apple Maps, provide the Apple MapKit JS key, as one of the required parameters. This would enable the use of Apple Maps in Incorta’s maps visualizations. For more information, refer to https://developer.apple.com/documentation/mapkitjs/settingupmapkit_js.
- Apple Maps API Key: To integrate Incorta with Apple Maps, provide the Apple Maps API key, as one of the required parameters. This would enable the use of Apple Maps in Incorta’s maps visualizations. For more information, refer to https://developer.apple.com/documentation/mapkitjs/settingupmapkit_js.
- Google Drive Client ID: Enter the Google Drive client ID obtained from the Google Drive API client, which can be accessed at https://console.developers.google.com/. Changing this value requires restarting all the loader and analytics services.
- Google Drive Client Secret: Enter the Google Drive client secret obtained from the Google Drive API client, which can be accessed at https://console.developers.google.com/. Changing this value requires restarting all the loader and analytics services.
- Dropbox App Key: Provide the Dropbox app key used by the Dropbox connector, which can be accessed at https://www.dropbox.com/developers/. Changing this value requires restarting all the loader and analytics services.
- Dropbox App Secret: Provide the Dropbox app secret used by the Dropbox connector, which can be accessed at https://www.dropbox.com/developers/. Changing this value requires restarting all the loader and analytics services.
- Box Client ID: Enter the Box client ID obtained from the Box application, which can be accessed at https://app.box.com/developers/services. Changing this value requires restarting all the loader and analytics services.
- Box Client Secret: Enter the Box client secret obtained from the Box
application, which can be accessed at
Changing this value requires restarting all the loader and analytics services.
Important: Select Save before navigating away from this page, to avoid losing unsaved data.
This section contains the configuration options related to exporting Insights.
- Download Rows Limit: Provide the maximum number of rows as a limit when
downloading a table Insight. Changing this value requires restarting the
analytics service(s).
Changing this value requires a server restart. - Add BOM to CSV: Enable this property to add Byte Order Mark (BOM) to the the beginning of CSV files. This option should be enabled when exporting Unicode encoded files.
- Export All Data: Enable this property to export all the data when exporting flat or aggregated tables.
- Export All Data (Pivot Tables): Enable this property to export all the data when exporting Pivot tables.
This section contains advanced configuration options related to materialized views and maximum groups default and limit (in Insights).
- Enable Hive Context in MVs: Enable this property to support Hive context in materialized views.
- Maximum Groups Default: This property sets the default for the maximum number of groups that cannot be exceeded in an Insight (aggregated/pivot table, or chart). For example, if an Insight shows data grouped by customer, and you set the maximum groups to 500,000. If there is a total of 600,000 customers. the engine will fail and will not display any records. If this value is 0 or -1, the default value for this property will be used, which is 500,000. To change the default value for this property, contact the support team. This property can also be configured in the Insight settings menu (Analyzer mode), in which case the value provided in the Insight will override the value set here (in the Admin UI).
- Maximum Groups Limit: This property sets the limit for the maximum number of groups that cannot be exceeded in an Insight (aggregated/pivot table, or chart). Refer to the “Maximum Groups Default” property for more information about its functionality. The value 0, or -1 sets it to unlimited. This value cannot be overridden.
- Enable Eager Load: Enable this property for analytics nodes to pre-load all the data in memory upon restarting. This would help render dashboards faster after analytics node restart. Changing this value requires restarting the analytics service(s).
- Force Reload Columns: Enable this property to save time when accessing dashboards that query schemas post loading, or making changes on the loader service. When enabled, data gets automatically re-loaded in memory after a schema is loaded (e.g. after an incremental update, or running schema scheduled jobs). If disabled, data will get re-loaded only when accessing a dashboard that queries that data, causing delayed response and impacting performance. Changing this value requires restarting the analytics service(s).
This section contains tuning configuration options related to compaction, cache, and more.
- Schema Pool Size: The value for this property sets the number of schemas that can be loaded at a time per tenant. A schema is considered in loading state as long as one (or more) of its tables is being extracted, transformed, and loaded. Thus, this field is restricted by the “Table Pool Size”. The default value for this property is “2”, but it can be changed to any value between 1 and 10. Changing this value requires restarting the loader service(s).
- Compaction Pool Size: The maximum number of threads used for compaction jobs. For example, to compact 10 tables in parallel, enter the value 10. Changing this value requires restarting the loader service(s).
- Java Compaction Memory (MB): Set the memory used for compaction. You can set this property per table, by adding the following to the “<INSTALLATION_PATH>>incorta>server.properties” file:
<pre class="prettyprint"> <script>
</script> </pre>
Note that in clustered environments, you will need to add this property to all of the cluster nodes.
- Max Cached Reports: Provide the maximum number of cached reports. Changing this value requires restarting the analytics service(s).
- Max Cached Memory (%): Provide the maximum percentage of intended cached memory. Changing this value requires restarting the analytics service(s).
Important: Select Save before navigating away from this page, to avoid losing unsaved data.
Incorta Labs
The “Incorta Labs” section includes trial versions for new features before their official release.
- Start Engine On a Background Thread: Enable this option to start engine on a background thread.
- Save Query Plans: Enable this to persist join paths for your insights. This means that whenever a data model change causes an invalid join path, the affected insights will stay the same unless their owners approve to update them.
Important: Select Save before navigating away from this page, to avoid losing unsaved data.
External Visualization Tools
The “External Visualization Tools” section includes a list of BI tools (e.g. Tableau) that can be connected to Incorta. You can toggle the button corresponding to any tool to display instructions within the web application on how to connect that tool to Incorta.
- Incorta Host: Provide the IP address of the Incorta Server (or Proxy or Load Balancer if applicable) for external BI tools to connect to Incorta.
- Incorta Port: Provide the port number of the Incorta Server (or Proxy or Load Balancer if applicable) that external BI tools should connect to.
- Excel: Toggle to display instructions in the web application on how to connect Excel to Incorta.
- MicroStrategy: Toggle to display instructions in the web application on how to connect MicroStrategy to Incorta.
- Tableau: Toggle to display instructions in the web application on how to connect Tableau to Incorta.
- PowerBI: Toggle to display instructions in the web application on how to connect PowerBI to Incorta.
Important: Select Save before navigating away from this page, to avoid losing unsaved data.