Create Incorta E2C Instance

To create an Incorta E2C Instance:

  1. Go to this link: aws image8
  2. Select Launch instance, then select the Incorta image. aws image42
  3. Select Next: Configure Instance Details.
  4. Choose the VPC and role with the following parameters:

    • Network: Default
    • Subnet: No preference
    • Auto-assign Public IP: Use subnet setting (Enable)
    • Capacity Reservation: Open
    • IAM role: <Incorta-role>
    • Shutdown behavior: Stop
    • Tenancy: Shared * Run a shared hardware instance
    • T2/T3 Unlimited: Enable aws image32
  5. Select Next to configure storage.
  6. Add a new volume. aws image26
  7. Encrypt the volume using the following parameters:

    • Root: EBS
    • Device: /dev/sdb
    • Size: 8
    • Volume Type: General Purpose SSD (gp2)
    • Encrypted: <your KMS key> aws image35
  8. Add Tags. aws image6
  9. Select Next: Configure Security Groups.
  10. Select the security group you created, then Review and Launch. aws image31
  11. Select an SSH key pair then select Launch Instance. aws image33

You created an EC2 instance for Incorta. aws image16

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