Data Sources
Data Sources are external databases or applications that you can connect to Incorta Analytics. The data sources supported by Incorta Analytics are:
- Apache Drill
- Apache Hive
- Athena
- Box
- Cassandra (Simba)
- Data Lake AWS S3
- Data Lake Azure Gen2
- Data Lake HDFS
- Data Lake Local
- Dropbox
- Essbase
- Freshservice
- Google Drive
- Kafka
- Netezza
- NetSuite
- Oracle
- PostgreSQL
- Presto
- RedShift
- SalesForce
- SAP Hana
- SAP Sybase IQ
- Sharepoint
- ServiceNow
- SQL Server
- SQL Server (jTDS)
- Teradata
- Vertica
- Zuora
- Local files in CSV, TSV, TAB, TXT, XLSX, or ZIP formats
- Custom data sources. You can upload your custom JDBC library and provide its connection string and driver class to connect to your data.
You can view a list of pre-defined data source connections in the Data Sources section on the Data tab.