
Netezza connector properties

Parameter/Switch Description
Username Username for IBM Netezza instance
Password Password for Username
Connection Pool (defaults to 30)
Connection String String describing how to connect with the IBM Netezza data source jdbc:netezza://<HOST>:<PORT>/<DATABASE_NAME>;readonly=true
Connection Properties Additional required connection properties
Use Data Agent Enable using a data agent to securely ingest data from an external data source that is behind a firewall.
For more information, please review Tools → Data Agent and Tools → Data Manager.
Data Agent Enable Use Data Agent to configure this property. Select from the data agents created in the tenant, if any.

Important: Data Agent

A data agent is a service that runs on a remote host. It is also a data agent object in the Data Manager for a given tenant. An authentication file shared between the data agent object and the data agent service enables an authorized connection without using a VPN or SSH tunnel. With a data agent, you can securely extract data from one or more databases behind a firewall to an Incorta cluster. Your Incorta cluster can reside on-premises or in the cloud. A CMC Administrator must enable and configure an Incorta cluster to support the use of Data Agents. Only a Tenant Administrator (SuperUser) or user that belongs to a group with the SuperRole role for a given tenant can create a data agent that connects to a data agent service. To learn more, see Concepts → Data Agent and Tools → Data Agent.

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