Dashboards and Insights

About Dashboards

A dashboard is a screen or page that displays data insights using visualizations to explore one or more schemas or business schemas.

Prerequisites to Dashboard Creation

Before creating a dashboard, the following must be completed:

  • Connect Incorta to your data sources and data files.
  • Define your schemas based on those data sources and data files.
  • Load data to Incorta.
  • Load schema.
  • Permissions for building dashboards

Build Dashboard Permissions

Users must have Edit Permissions to dashboard objects in order to build dashboards.

Depending on your role and permission set, you may need to work with your Incorta Administrator to ensure any necessary permission sets have been granted to those who are creating dashboards.

For further reference on the required object permissions and user roles needed to create and use dashboards, see the topic on Secure Objects and Business Data and User Roles.

The Analyzer is the user interface for exploring schemas and business schemas by using various insight visualizations. The Analyzer allows you to create formulas and calculations with the Formula Builder.

There are the common user interface elements in the Analyzer:

  • Action bar
  • Data Panel
  • Edit Panel
  • Trays
  • Pill
  • Canvas

Action bar

Here some of the options available in the Action bar:

  • Choose a Visualization type
  • View SQL specify a Sort Order (option based on visualization selection)
  • Specify an Insight Filter
  • Configure Insight Settings
  • Save or cancel changes.

The available options in the Action bar depend on the selected visualization.

Data Panel

Use the Data Panel to:

  • Search for specific columns in one or more schemas
  • View the details of a column
  • Add a formula or column to a tray

Edit Panel

Use the Edit Panel to:

  • Select an entire Schema or Business Schema
  • Search for and select a specific Table or a View*
  • Save your selections

*Search in the Edit Panel does not support finding specific columns.*


Depending on the visualization selected, trays will vary. For example, a Pivot Table visualization details a Pivot Table rows tray and Pivot Table columns tray. The Measure tray is always present for all insight visualizations.

Here is a list of some of the tray options:

  • Measure tray (all visualizations)
  • Grouping or Coloring dimension trays (option based on visualization selection)
  • Pivot Table rows and columns (only for Pivot Table visualization)


When placed in a tray, a column turns into a pill. You can remove a pill, change the position of a pill in a tray, move a pill between trays(when applicable), and open the Properties Menu for a pill.

  • A Pill in the Measure tray appears dark blue, regardless if the column is a key or a dimension.
  • A Pill in a Grouping tray, Coloring tray, or Pivot tray appears light blue, regardless if the column is a measure.

Properties Menu

The Properties Menu will differ depending on the visualization and the tray placement. For example, a Gauge visualization does not support a Drill Down property for a measure pill whereas most Chart visualizations do.

To open the Properties menu, click the down angle arrow (﹀) on a given Pill.

For more information about the Properties Menu, visit Insight Settings.


Once a column is added to a measure tray, by default the Analyzer previews the selected visualization in the Canvas.

Disable the Auto-Refresh insight setting to change this behavior. Once available, you can add or edit the Insight title.

*Note: The Analyzer limits the preview of the visualization to 15 million rows. For this reason, some calculations such as aggregations may be incorrect while being previewed for results with more than 15 million rows.*

Configure Dashboard Settings

Configure Settings is a dialog that allows a user with Edit permissions to:

  • Add or edit the dashboard Name or Description
  • Enable the Maximized View when a user opens the dashboard by default (the user must navigate through each insight)
  • Enable Incremental Reporting

Maximized View allows a user to view each insight on a dashboard individually. When applicable, a dashboard user can modify the visualization style, and in turn, configure Layout settings directly.

Incremental reporting enables you to filter the data in a given dashboard based on the last time the dashboard was generated or downloaded.

For example, a report enabled as an incremental reporting-enabled shows only the data that was inserted or updated since the last time that report was generated. Incremental reporting requires creating a valid timestamp column when creating the report.

To Configure Settings for a dashboards, follow these steps:

  1. In the action bar of the Dashboard, select More Options.
  2. In the More Options menu, select Configure Settings.

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