Organize your Workspace
You can perform the following actions with existing folders and dashboards to organize your workspace.
Preview Folder Contents
- Hover over a folder to reveal the number of dashboards and folders within.
- Access the More Options menu (kebab icon), to share, rename, export, delete, or move the folder to a different location.
Create a Folder
- Select Content from the navigation bar.
- Select +New in the action bar.
- Select Add Folder from the Add New menu.
- Enter a name for your folder (this must be unique).
The New Folder will then be saved to Content, where you can add dashboards or subfolders to it.
Add Objects to a Folder
To add a dashboard or subfolder to a parent folder, hover your cursor over the dashboard or folder card:
- Select More Options (kebab icon).
- Select Move to.
- Select the parent folder where you want to place the current object.
- Select Move.
Share Folders and Dashboards
To share a folder, hover your cursor over the folder card:
- Select More Options (kebab icon).
- Select Share Access.
- Enter individual users or groups with whom to share in the With: field.
Choose a permission level to the user or group.
- Can View
- Can Share
- Can Edit
- Select Close.
Rename Folders and Dashboards
- Select More Options (kebab icon).
- Select Share Access.
- Select Rename.
- Enter a new name in the name field.
- Select Rename.
Managing Dashboards and Folders
Dashboards can be organized into content folders to which security can be applied. Security is applied by sharing individual dashboards or folders with other users or groups.
This strategy is modeled after the way that Google Drive manages sharing of documents and folders. While this is a widely used model for managing content, there are some Incorta specific best practices that can be implemented to make for a problem free implementation.
Folder Structure Best Practices
Design your folder structure up front.
This will allow your organization to have a mapping for its dashboard content that will be meaningful and easy to navigate. One structure that has proven successful is to organize folders by workflow. Other structures, for example by data source, can work as well.
The following suggestions may help you more easily work with your content:
Use short but descriptive names when naming folders and dashboards.
- Using the card view (the default) on the Content tab, long names do not display fully. You can hover over a name to see the full text.
- Avoid duplicating folder or dashboard names as it can cause confusion when working with and searching for content.
- Do use the Description field when defining dashboards and insights. This will help users understand quickly what the dashboard and insights are for and can help with differentiating similarly named objects from each other.
Do not add content to a sub-folder if it needs to have different security than the other content in that folder.
- Users with access to a folder see everything inside of it.
- If content needs different security, create a new folder at a higher level, possibly the top level, of the content tree so that it can be assigned different security. Example: It is possible to drill down from one dashboard to another. If you do not wish a dashboard to be available except via drill down, create a folder at the highest level for the dashboard and do not share it with the group.
Create a “Developer” Folder at the top level that is only for developers. Normal users should not see it, but all developers should have access to the content that other developers create just in case one of them leaves and has content that needs to be transferred midstream to someone else.
- Make a subfolder for each developer so that they have their own “private” area to work.
- Once a developer has completed work on a dashboard, they can copy the dashboard to the appropriate user available folder.
Create a “Drill” folder for dashboards that are only reached via drilldown from other dashboards and place it within the folder where the originating dashboards are located.
- By doing this, the drilldown dashboards will have the same security as the originating dashboards, which is needed.
- If a drill dashboard will be selected for review on its own regularly, then put it at the same level as the other content instead of in the “Drill” folder.
- The “Drill” folder will visible and accessible to those who have permission to view the contents of its parent folder.
User and Group Setup
The way that you set up users and groups can simplify or complicate your content sharing strategy. The following will make content sharing more manageable:
- Assign roles to groups. Do not assign roles to individual users.
Assign every user to at least one group.
- Users should be assigned to groups based on the content that they should be able to see.
- Users assigned to groups will inherit the role assigned to the group.
- If a user belongs to multiple groups, they will have the union of role privileges available from the groups they belong to. In other words, the highest level of privileges available from the groups that they belong to.
- Assign a group to each of the top level folders in your folder structure. It is not required that every folder have its own unique group. The same group can be assigned to multiple folders if they should see the content of multiple folders.
- Assign groups to any subfolders that have a requirement for users who should see its contents but not see other folders and content at the same level or above. For example, create a Developer group who will see the content created by developers in the Developer folder.
User and Group Best Practices
Create these groups to help you monitor your content more easily.
Create a group for those who have the Super Role and for any other roles that you wish to see all content. You might call it “Super Role” or “Superuser” or something that indicates that this group should have privileges to view all content.
- The Super Role has access to all of Incorta’s functionality but it does not have access to content by default. Content must still be shared with a user (not recommended) or a group in order for the members to see the content if it was created by someone other than themselves.
- Create a group called “Developer”. This group should have access to the “Developer” folder.
Folder Sharing Best Practices
The way that you share content will allow you to keep things simple. Make sure to share content appropriately with your groups. Some best practices to do so include:
Share only Folders. All content in a folder or its child folders is available to those with whom you have shared the folder.
- Do not share individual dashboards. Dashboard should have the same access requirements as the other dashboards available in the folder to which it is added.
- Share Folders only with Groups. Make sure that every individual Incorta user is assigned to the appropriate groups
- Share at the highest folder level possible. If you share a subfolder and then later share its parent folder, both folders will show up on Content home pages of the users who belong to the group. The subfolder content may appear to be duplicated in this case but really there are just two paths to the same folder and dashboard objects.
- Do not share with individuals
Share all top level folders with the “Super Role” group. This will ensure that no content is hidden from those with the Superrole role. This would include content that:
- Is breaking the system and needs to be fixed.
- Created by people who no longer use Incorta and content that is no longer needed.
Share the “Developer” folder with the “Developer” group.
- This will allow the developer group to see each other’s content.
- They can share ideas and leverage other developers’ work to make themselves more efficient.
- One developer can assume ownership of another developers in process work if needed.