Salesforce v2 Connector

The Salesforce v2 data source connector uses a REST API interface and overcomes limitations with the Salesforce data source connector, version 1, which employs a SOAP API interface.


  1. Install Incorta 4.6. Visit Install and Upgrade Incorta for instructions.
  2. Set up a Salesforce Developer Edition organization. If you have already set this up, ensure that your developer account has API enabled permission.
  3. Authorize Incorta as a Connected App in Salesforce. There are several steps involved to do this. In order to do this you will need to:

  4. Download and configure the Salesforce v2 driver for Incorta. Before implementing a Salesforce data source, you must first download and configure the Salesforce v2 driver for Incorta. The driver is in a JAR file. The Salesforce v2 JAR file must exist in both the CMC and the Incorta Services installation path.
  5. Obtain Security token for Salesforce authentication. After successfully authenticating Incorta as a connected app, you’ll receive an access token which can be used to make authenticated REST API calls. You can request the token here, and it will be sent to you via email. For more information on Salesforce Security Tokens, visit Reset your Security Token on the Salesforce site.
  6. Add Salesforce v2 as a Data Source. Follow the instructions to add a new data source. When asked for the specific parameters in the New Data Source dialog, you will need to have the following information to complete the connection.

Salesforce v2 Parameters

In the New Data Source dialog for Salesforce v2, provide the following:

  1. Data Source Name
  2. Username for Salesforce
  3. Password for Salesforce
  4. Token for Salesforce Authentication
  5. Enable Proxy (optional).

If proxy is enabled, you will need to provide the following:

  • Proxy Host
  • Proxy Port
  • Proxy Username
  • Proxy Password

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