Inspector Tool

About the Inspector Tool

The Incorta Inspector Tool checks the lineage references of Incorta metadata objects including tables, schemas, business schemas, business schema views, dashboards, and session variables. It also checks for inconsistencies and validation errors in joins, tables, views, formulas, and dashboards.

You can enable the Inspector Tool to run on a schedule as a default tenant configuration or for a specific tenant configuration in the CMC.

To view and explore the results of the scheduled job in Incorta Analytics, you can download and import the related Inspector Tool dashboards, schema, and business schema.

To learn about the dashboards that you’ll find with the Inspector Tool, see the Performance Tuning guide.

Download the Inspector Tool Dashboards, Schema, and Business Schema

Before you can use the Inspector Tool Scheduler, you need to first download the Inspector Tool Dashboards, Schema, and Business Schema.  

To do this:

  1. In the navigation bar, select Clusters.
  2. Select a Cluster name from the cluster list.
  3. In the canvas tabs, select Cluster Configurations.
  4. In the panel tabs, select Default Tenant Configurations.
  5. In the left pane, select Incorta Labs.
  6. In the right pane select the Download link in the description of the Inspector Tool Scheduler.
  7. In the Box folder, select the following files to download:


After successfully downloading the zip files, you must import the schema, business schema, and dashboards into a given tenant.

Import the Inspector Tool Schema

To import the Inspector Tool schema for a given tenant:

  1. Select Schema from the navigation bar.
  2. In the action bar, select + New.
  3. In the Add New menu, select Import Schema.
  4. Drag and drop the file to the Import Schema dialog.
  5. In the Import Results dialog, verify the schema name, InspectorMetadata, and select Close.

After successfully importing the schema, the InspectorMetadata schema should contain the following tables:


Import the Inspector Tool Business Schema

To import the Inspector Tool business schema for a given tenant:

  1. In the navigation bar, select Business Schema.
  2. In the action bar, select + New.
  3. In the Add New menu, select Import Business Schema.
  4. Drag and drop the file to the Import Business Schema dialog.
  5. In the Import Results dialog, verify the schema name, incortaInspector, and select Close.

The incortaInspector business schema should contain the following folders and views:

  • TenantHierarchy (folder)
  • DashboardLineage
  • Schemas
  • Joins
  • BusinessSchemas
  • MVs
  • Validation (view)

Import the Inspector Tool Dashboards

To import the Inspector Tool dashboards for a given tenant:

  1. Select Content from the Navigation bar.
  2. In the action bar, select + New.
  3. In the Add New Menu, select Import Folder/Dashboard.
  4. Drag and drop the file to the Import Folder/Dashboard dialog.

In the Inspector Tool folder, you will see the following Inspector Tool dashboards:

  • 0 - Run status
  • 1 - Validation UseCases
  • 2 - Unused Entities
  • 3 - Schemas Details
  • 4 - Dashboards Lineage Summary
  • 5 - Tables Used in Business Views
  • 6 - Tables Used In Materialized Views

Enable the Inspector Tool Scheduler

After you have successfully imported the Inspector Tool Dashboards, Schema, and Business Schema, you can now enable the Inspector Tool Scheduler in the Cluster Management Console as both a default tenant configuration or a tenant configuration.

To enable this option as default tenant configuration in the CMC:

  1. In the Navigation bar, select Clusters.
  2. In the cluster list, select a Cluster name.
  3. In the canvas tabs, select Cluster Configurations.
  4. In the panel tabs, select Default Tenant Configurations.
  5. In the left pane, select Incorta Labs.
  6. In the right pane, toggle Inspector Tool Scheduler to enable.
  7. Specify the schedule.
  8. Select Save.

To enable this option for a specific tenant configuration in the CMC:

  1. In the Navigation bar, select Clusters.
  2. In the cluster list, select a Cluster name.
  3. In the canvas tabs, select the Tenants tab.
  4. Select Configure for the given tenant in the tenant list.
  5. In the left pane, select Incorta Labs.
  6. In the right pane, toggle Inspector Tool Scheduler to enable.
  7. Specify the schedule.
  8. Select Save.

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