Install Incorta on a Single Server
Install Incorta on a single server for Proofs of Concept (POC) or demo environments.
The following steps outline how to install incorta on a single server (node).
- Follow the Common installation steps.
- Type “1” to select a typical single server installation.
- Provide an installation directory or accept the default location, then select Enter. Confirm if you provided a non-default directory.
- Configure the Node Agent, which is responsible for the communication between the CMC and the node you are installing. Accept the default ports, or provide other ones if the defaults are not available.
- Choose whether or not to install Tomcat web application manager.
- Provide the CMC port configuration, by either accepting the defaults or providing other ones.
- Configure the username and password that you will use to access and log in to the CMC. Keep this information for future use.
- Review the CMC and Incorta Node installation locations, and select Enter.
- Wait for the installation to complete.
Ensure that the CMC, node agent, derby, and Zookeeper are started, using the following commands, respectively. A sample out put is shown below:
ps -ef | grep cmc
ps -ef | grep nodeAgent
ps -ef | grep derby
ps -ef | grep zookeeper
- Navigate to the CMC at the URL:
. - Log in to the CMC using your admin credentials.
- Select “Local” in the panel on the left-hand side. Then, select Configure.
- Select a database type (e.g. Derby), to use for Incorta’s metadata. Then select Next.
- Provide the admin UI login credentials. The admin UI is a web application for admins to manage system and tenant configurations through a UI. It can be accessed at:
- Configure the anaytics service, which will be used for query processing in dashboards and reports.
- Configure the loader service, which will be used for data loading processing.
- Select the Spark that you would like to configure, if any. Then, select Next.
- Review the system configuration and select Create.
- Select Create.
- Review the localCluster details summary. Select the pen icon to edit, or select Restart, Stop, Start to restart, stop, start the cluster, respectively.
- Now, you need to start the analytics and loader services. Select “Clusters” in the panel on the left-hand side.
- Select “localCluster”.
- Select the “Services” tab.
- Select “analyticsService”.
- Select Start to start the analytics service. Select the sync/refresh icon in the upper right-hand corner periodically to reflect the latest service status (stopped/processing/started).
- Wait until the “Status” field indicates “started”.
- Start the loader service.
- Select “Clusters” in the panel on the left-hand side.
- Select “localCluster”. Both, the “Analytics” and “Loader” services should indicate “Started.”
- Create a tenant.