Organize your Workspace

You can perform the following actions with existing folders and dashboards to organize your workspace.

Preview Folder Contents

  • Hover over a folder to reveal the number of dashboards and folders within.
  • Access the More Options menu (kebab icon), to share, rename, export, delete, or move the folder to a different location.

Create a Folder

  1. Select Content from the navigation bar.
  2. Select +New in the action bar.
  3. Select Add Folder from the Add New menu.
  4. Enter a name for your folder (this must be unique).

The New Folder will then be saved to Content, where you can add dashboards or subfolders to it.

Add Objects to a Folder

To add a dashboard or subfolder to a parent folder, hover your cursor over the dashboard or folder card:

  1. Select More Options (kebab icon).
  2. Select Move to.
  3. Select the parent folder where you want to place the current object.
  4. Select Move.

Share Folders and Dashboards

To share a folder, hover your cursor over the folder card:

  1. Select More Options (kebab icon).
  2. Select Share Access.
  3. Enter individual users or groups with whom to share in the With: field.
  4. Choose a permission level to the user or group.

    • Can View
    • Can Share
    • Can Edit
  5. Select Close.

Rename Folders and Dashboards

  1. Select More Options (kebab icon).
  2. Select Share Access.
  3. Select Rename.
  4. Enter a new name in the name field.
  5. Select Rename.

To learn more about how best to manager folders and dashboards, review Manage Content with Folders.

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