Tenant Configurations

Set the following options to configure your tenant. These options are available in the Cluster Management Console (CMC) at Cluster Configurations > Default Tenant Configurations and for an individual tenant (select Configure for a tenant).

Security Configurations

This section contains information about security-related configurations, including authentication options within Incorta Analytics.

Configuration Property: Authentication Type

  • Restart required? No
  • Description: Select one of the following options:

    • Incorta Authentication: Sign in to Incorta using the Incorta Analytics username and password. You can also configure password rules and other security-related options.
    • SSO: Use a standard SSO tool to log into Incorta.
    • LDAP: Use

Configuration Property: Enable Super User Mode

  • Restart Required? Yes
  • Description: Enable this property to enable non-Admin users with a “Super User” role to access all content within a tenant (just like an Admin). Disable this option to restrict content access for all non-Admin users to only content that is shared with them.

Configuration Property: Enable Support for Password-Protected Excel Files

  • Restart Required? Yes
  • Description: Enable this property to support uploading password-protected Excel files in the data files section of the Incorta application.

To enable this feature, install the Java Cryptography Extension (JCE), using the following steps:

  1. Download and extract JCE.
  2. Copy the JCE jar files local_policy.jar and US_export_policy.jar into the following directory: <script> $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security </script>
  3. Restart Incorta.

Configuration Property: Minimum Password Length

  • Restart Required?
  • Description: The minimum number of characters for a password. Default is 5 characters.

Configuration Property: Password Cannot Include Username

  • Restart Required?
  • Description: Enable this option to restrict using usernames in passwords.

Configuration Property: Require Lower Case Letters

  • Restart Required?
  • Description: Enable this option to require lower-case letters in passwords.

Configuration Property: Require Upper Case Letters

  • Restart Required?
  • Description: Enable this option to require upper-case letters in passwords.

Configuration Property: Require Digits

  • Restart Required?
  • Description: Enable this option to require numbers in passwords.

Configuration Property: Require Special Characters

  • Restart Required?
  • Description: Enable this option to require special characters in passwords.

Regional Settings Configurations

Configuration Property: Language

  • Restart Required? No
  • Description: Default language for the tenant using ISO two-letter codes.

Configuration Property: Country

  • Restart Required? No
  • Description: Default country for the tenant.

Configuration Property: Character Set

  • Restart Required? No
  • Description: Character set encoding type.

Configuration Property: Text Direction

  • Restart Required? No
  • Description: Text direction for the tenant: ltr (left-to-right) or rtl (right-to-left).

Configuration Property: Time Zone

  • Restart Required? No
  • Description: Default time zone for the tenant.

Email Configurations

Configure the tenant email by setting these properties.

Configuration Property: SMTP Host

  • Restart Required? No
  • Description: The server used to send emails. For example, smtp.gmail.com.

Configuration Property: Exporter Host

  • Restart Required? No
  • Description: Enable Exporter Host.

Configuration Property: Exporter Port

  • Restart Required? No
  • Description: Enable Exporter Port

Configuration Property: Enable SMTP SSL

  • Restart Required? No
  • Description: Enable SMTP SSL.

Configuration Property: Socket Factory Port

  • Restart Required? No
  • Description: The port number used for connection when using SMTP Socket Factory.

Configuration Property: Email Host Requires Authentication

  • Restart Required? No
  • Description: Switch to on if the email host (for example, gmail) requires authentication before sending an email.

Configuration Property: SMTP Server Port

  • Restart Required? No
  • Description: The port number to use to connect to the email server.

Configuration Property: Email Server Protocol

  • Restart Required? No
  • Description: Select an email protocol.

Configuration Property: Export Server Timeout in Seconds

  • Restart Required? No
  • Description: The amount of time before the export server sends a dashboard. If a dashboard does not send because the server times out, then increasing this value should solve the issue.

Configuration Property: System Email Address

  • Restart Required? No
  • Description: The email address used to send dashboards or notifications.

Configuration Property: Person Name

  • Restart Required? No
  • Description: The name to display as the email sender.

Configuration Property: System Email Password

  • Restart Required? No
  • Description: The password for the email address used to send dashboards or notifications. Leave this field blank if the email server does not require a password for the sender email.

Configuration Property: Forgot Password Email Subject

  • Restart Required? No
  • Description: Text to display in the subject line of password-recovery emails.

Configuration Property: Server URL Protocol

One of three properties that generate the URL that is sent when sending a dashboard by email.

  • Restart Required? Yes
  • Description: Server URL Protocol (HTTP or HTTPS).

Configuration Property: Server Name

One of three properties that generate the URL that is sent when sending a dashboard by email.

  • Restart Required? Yes
  • Description: Current server name, for example, localhost.

Configuration Property: Server Port

One of three properties that generate the URL that is sent when sending a dashboard by email.

  • Restart Required? Yes
  • Description: Current server port, for example, 8080.

Configuration Property: Enable Notifications

  • Restart Required? No
  • Description: Switch on to send email notifications when sharing dashboards.

Configuration Property: Notification Email subject

  • Restart Required? No
  • Description: Subject line text of a sharing notification email.

Configuration Property: Enable Internal Error Notifications

  • Restart Required? No
  • Description: Switch on to be notified of internal errors by email.

Configuration Property: Internal Error Notification Subject

  • Restart Required? No
  • Description: Subject line text of internal-error notification emails.

Data Loading Configurations

Configuration Property: Enable Always Compact

  • Restart Required?
  • Description: Enable this property to trigger automatic compaction after every successful extraction from the data source. To compact a preloaded schema, either restart the server, or reload the schema (full or incremental). If you are using SQL interface, you must enable this property, otherwise, no data would be returned.

Configuration Property: Stop Loading on First Error

  • Restart Required? No
  • Description: Enable this property to stop a schema from loading on the first encountered error.

Integration Configurations

Configuration Property: Google Maps API Key

  • Restart Required? Yes
  • Description: API key for Google Maps.

Configuration Property: Apple Maps Developer Team ID

  • Restart Required? Yes
  • Description: Developer team ID, used to enable Apple Maps in Incorta’s maps visualizations.

Configuration Property: Apple MapKit JS Key ID

  • Restart Required? Yes
  • Description: Apple MapKit JS key, used to enable Apple Maps in Incorta’s maps visualizations.

Configuration Property: Apple Maps API Key

  • Restart Required? Yes
  • Description: Apple Maps API key, used to enable Apple Maps in Incorta’s maps visualizations.

Configuration Property: Google Drive Client ID

  • Restart Required? Yes
  • Description: Enter the Google Drive client ID obtained from the Google Drive API client.

Configuration Property: Google Drive Client Secret

  • Restart Required? Yes
  • Description: Enter the Google Drive client secret obtained from the Google Drive API client.

Configuration Property: Dropbox App Key

  • Restart Required? Yes
  • Description: Provide the Dropbox app key used by the Dropbox connector.

Configuration Property: Dropbox App Secret

  • Restart Required? Yes
  • Description: Provide the Dropbox app secret used by the Dropbox connector.

Configuration Property: Box Client ID

  • Restart Required? Yes
  • Description: Enter the Box client ID obtained from the Box application.

Configuration Property: Box Client Secret

  • Restart Required? Yes
  • Description: Enter the Box client secret obtained from the Box application.

Export Configurations

The following properties are configuration options related to exporting Insights.

Configuration Property: Download Rows Limit

  • Restart Required? Yes
  • Description: Provide the maximum number of rows as a limit when downloading a table Insight.

Configuration Property: Add BOM to CSV

  • Restart Required? No
  • Description: Enable this property to add Byte Order Mark (BOM) to CSV files. Enable this option when you export Unicode-encoded files.

Configuration Property: Export All Data

  • Restart Required? No
  • Description: Enable this property to export all the data when exporting flat or aggregated tables.

Configuration Property: Export All Data (Pivot Tables)

  • Restart Required? No
  • Description: Enable this property to export all the data when exporting Pivot tables.

Configuration Property: Export Folder

  • Restart Required? No
  • Description: The destination folder name and path on the Incorta host server to use when sending or scheduling a dashboard.

Advanced Configurations

Advanced configuration options related to materialized views and maximum groups default and limit (in Insights).

Configuration Property: Enable Hive Context in MVs

  • Restart Required? No
  • Description: Enable this property to support Hive context in Materialized Views.

Configuration Property: Insight Max Groups UI Default

  • Restart Required? No
  • Description: This property sets the default for the maximum number of groups that cannot be exceeded in an Insight (aggregated/pivot table, or chart). For example, an Insight shows data grouped by customer, and you set the Insight Max Groups UI Default to 500,000. If there is a total of 600,000 customers, the engine will fail and will not display any records. If this value is 0 or -1, the default value for this property will be used, which is 500,000. This property can be configured in the Insight settings menu (Analyzer mode). The value in the Insight overrides this value.

Configuration Property: Insight Max Groups Limit

  • Restart Required? No
  • Description: This property sets the limit for the maximum number of groups that cannot be exceeded in an Insight (aggregated/pivot table, or chart). The values 0 or -1 means setting it to unlimited. This value cannot be overridden.

Configuration Property: Insight Max Values in Filter Subquery

  • Restart Required? No
  • Description:

Configuration Property: Force Reload Columns

  • Restart Required? Yes
  • Description: Enable this property to automatically reload data in memory after a schema is loaded (for example, after an incremental update, or running schema scheduled jobs). If disabled, data will get re-loaded only when accessing a dashboard that queries that data, causing delayed response and impacting performance.

Configuration Property: Warmup Mode

  • Restart Required? Yes
  • Description: Select an option to identify which data to pre-load into memory after a restart. Reading data columns directly from parquet reduces the time for dashboards and insight queries to refresh after an incremental load. However, after you restart the analytics service, dashboard queries load more slowly. To decrease the time to load dashboard queries after you restart the analytics service, you can choose to load and warmup specific columns first. You can choose one of the following column warmup strategies:

    • Business view columns: Load all columns referenced in business schema views in the Analytics service only
    • None: Don’t pre-load the columns. Only load on demand. None works best for small deployments with ad-hoc queries
    • Last used columns: Load the previous state prior to shut down in the loader and analytics services
    • All (Replaces “Eager Load”): Pre-load all columns into memory. All works best when you need to support ad-hoc queries, if there are no business schemas in place, and when the time between the analytics service startup and dashboard usage is significant.

Configuration Property: Turn off/on Global Auto Refresh for Insights

  • Restart Required? No
  • Description: Disable this parameter to turn off Auto Refresh for all insights in this tenant. Turn off Auto Refresh so Analyze Users can turn on Auto Refresh for individual insights.

Tuning Configurations

Configuration Property: Schema Pool Size

  • Restart Required? Yes
  • Description: The value for this property sets the number of schemas that can be loaded at a time per tenant. A schema is considered in loading state as long as one (or more) of its tables is being extracted, transformed, and loaded. Thus, this field is restricted by the “Table Pool Size”. The default value for this property is “2”, but it can be changed to any value between 1 and 10.

Configuration Property: Table Maximum Parallel Chunks

  • Restart Required? Yes
  • Description: The number of concurrent chunks that you can extract from source at the same time, when you use a chunking strategy.

Configuration Property: Maximum cached insights

  • Restart Required? Yes
  • Description:

The maximum number of insights to store in the cache. Incorta cannot cache an insight larger than 10MB. If an insight is larger than 10MB, Incorta does not cache the insight, which can affect performance. This property defaults to 2,000 insights.

Incorta uses both the Maximum cached insights property and the Maximum cached memory (%) property to determine the cache size. Incorta uses the lower of the two limits. For example, if you set off-heap memory to 100GB, and the Maximum cached memory (%) to 1%, then the cache size is 1GB. If you set Maximum cached insights to 2,000 and you reach 1GB with fewer reports, Incorta stops caching reports at 1GB.

Configuration Property: Maximum Cached Memory (%)

  • Restart Required? Yes
  • Description: The percentage between 0% and 5% of total off-heap memory to use as the maximum memory size for cached reports. The default is 1% of the off-heap memory.

Incorta Labs Configurations

Configuration Property: Start Engine On a Background Thread

  • Restart Required? Yes
  • Description: Enable this option to start engine on a background thread.

Configuration Property: Enable saving query plan

  • Restart Required? Yes
  • Description: Enable this to keep the join paths of your insights fixed. When a data model change causes an invalid join path, the affected insights will stay the same unless their owners approve to update them.

Configuration Property: Wall-E

  • Restart Required? Yes
  • Description: AEnable this option to have a bot figure out the schema for you.

External Visualization Tools Configurations

Configuration Property: Incorta Host

  • Restart Required? Yes
  • Description: Provide the IP address of the Incorta Server (or Proxy or Load Balancer if applicable) for external BI tools to connect to Incorta.

Configuration Property: Incorta Port

  • Restart Required? Yes
  • Description: Provide the port number of the Incorta Server (or Proxy or Load Balancer) to which external BI tools should connect.

Configuration Property: Excel Addin

  • Restart Required? Yes
  • Description: Switch on to identify that you will use Excel as an external BI tool with Incorta.

Configuration Property: MicroStrategy

  • Restart Required? Yes
  • Description: Switch on to identify that you will use Microstrategy as an external BI tool with Incorta.

Configuration Property: Tableau

  • Restart Required? Yes
  • Description: Switch on to identify that you will use Tableau as an external BI tool with Incorta.

Configuration Property: PowerBI

  • Restart Required? Yes
  • Description: Switch on to identify that you will use PowerBI as an external BI tool with Incorta.


After making configuration changes on any page, you must select Save before you navigate away from the page to avoid losing unsaved data.

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