Finish Installing Incorta with the CMC
After you run the installation procedure on Incorta for a single-node or multi-node installation, log into the CMC to complete setting up nodes and services.
- Follow the prompts to set up your database. You must have your database information, including location, username, and password. If you don’t have an SQL or Oracle database, you can use Derby (included). If you choose Derby, Incorta sets the database up for you. See Database Integration.
- Create one loader service. For multi-server installations, create a loader service on one server on which you installed Incorta, but not on the same one on which you created an analytics service. See Create a Loader Service.
- Create an analytics service on the server on which you installed Incorta. See Create an Analytics Service.
- Create a cluster. See Create a Cluster.
- Create a tenant. See Create a Tenant.
Database Integration
When you log into the CMC for the first time on a node, you are prompted to enter information about your database.
Oracle Database
- Ensure that the DML user can connect to the database and that the DDL user has the required privileges.
- Ensure that the database port is open and accessible through the IP address.
- In rst-node installations, the DDL user must have an empty database with no tables.
- (Optional) Provide a second username and password for a DDL user.
Parameters in the CMC:
- Database Type = Oracle
- JDBC URL = format:
- User name =
- Password =
MySQL Database
- Keep the default value for the database management system.
- The database port must be open and accessible using the IP address.
- Your MySQL database must be empty, with no tables.
Parameters in the CMC:
- Database Type = MYSQL
- User name =
- Password =
System administrator information:
- Username =
- Password =
- Email =
- Path =
- Username =
- Zookeeper URL =
. Separate zookeeper node URLs with a comma. For example: (,,
Integrate with Spark
When you choose a database or set up a node or cluster, you must complete information about your Spark integration. The following are the parameters you complete.
When you choose None, you choose to not install any version of Spark. You can install Incorta without Spark, but it is not recommended.
Choose to use the Bundled version of Spark to install the included version of Spark with Incorta.
- Worker memory. Total memory for the Spark service.
- App memory. Provide the maximum memory used by SQLi Spark queries, leaving enough memory if you plan to use materialized views. The memory required for both applications combined cannot exceed the worker memory.
- App Cores. The dedicated CPU cores reserved for the SQLi Spark application. Ensure that there are enough cores for the OS, other services, and applications.
- App Executers. The number of parallel processes reserved for the SQLi Spark application.
- DS Port. 5442 default. The port number that will be used to connect to the Incorta Data Store.
Choose External to use a version of Spark you already have.
- Master URL. The URL for the Master Spark UI.
- App memory. Provide the maximum memory used by SQLi Spark queries, leaving enough memory if you plan to use materialized views. The memory required for both applications combined cannot exceed the worker memory.
- App Cores. The dedicated CPU cores reserved for the SQLi Spark application. Ensure that there are enough cores for the OS, other services, and applications.
- App Executers. The number of parallel processes reserved for the SQLi Spark application.
- DS Port. 5442 default. The port number that will be used to connect to the Incorta Data Store.
For more information on how to use Spark with Incorta, see the Spark Guide.
Create a Loader Service
- Navigate to the Nodes tab.
- Select a node to use for the Loader Service.
- Select + to add a service.
Enter the loader service information.
- Service Name = loader1 or choose any unique name
- Type = Loader
- Heap Size = Amount of memory in kilobytes this Java Virtual Machine (JVM) uses, for example 2048.
- Select Check to verify the name.
- Select Next.
Enter the additional settings or accept the defaults:
- ICC port: The inter-cluster communication port to use for communication between cluster services. You must use different ports for services running on the same hardware.
- Engine off heap: Enable so Incorta depends on machine memory instead of Java heap space.
- Max engine off heap: Maximum off heap memory size to use for data loading. If loaded data is larger, removes the least-used columns in the table data.
- Select Create, then Finish to create the loader service.
Create an Analytics Service
- Navigate to the Nodes tab.
- Select a node to use for the Analytics Service.
- Select + to add a service.
Enter the analytics service information
- Service Name =
- Type = Analytics
- Heap Size = Amount of memory in kilobytes this Java Virtual Machine (JVM) uses, for example 2048.
- Service Name =
- Select Check to verify the name.
- Select Next.
Enter the additional settings or accept the defaults:
- ICC port: The inter-cluster communication port to use for communication between cluster services. You must use different ports for services running on the same hardware.
- Engine off heap: Enable so Incorta depends on machine memory instead of Java heap space.
- Max engine off heap: Maximum off heap memory size to use for data loading. If loaded data is larger, removes the least-used columns in the table data.
- Select Create, then Finish to create the analytics service.
Create a Cluster
- Go to the Clusters tab
- Select + to add a new cluster
- Set the Cluster Name.
- Follow the prompts to create the cluster.
Create a Tenant
- Select +.
Enter the tenant information
- Name = <TENANT_NAME>
- Username =
- Password =
- Email =
- Path =
- Choose include Sample Data
- Select Next
Enter the email information
- Sender’s email =
- Sender’s Password = dummy
- Keep the default for the rest of the parameters
- Select Create.
- Select Finish. Verify the tenant is created. You do not need to restart servers.
Incorta URL: http://<server>:<port>/incorta/