Dashboard Runtime Filters

Dashboard Runtime Filters

Dashboard runtime filters apply to all insights in a selected dashboard.

The default behavior of a dashboard populates dimensions from all insights within that dashboard into a list of column filters. You can find these column filters listed in the dashboard filter dialog box when creating a dashboard runtime filter.

Create a Dashboard Runtime Filter

  1. Choose a dashboard from the Content screen.
  2. Select Filter (funnel icon) from the filter bar to open the filter dialog.
  3. Select a filter attribute from the column pane.
  4. Choose a filter operator from the values pane.
  5. Select filter values from the values pane using one of the following options:

    • Search values by entering your parameters into the search box, and selecting individual values from the list of search results.
    • Select All to apply all available column values.
    • Paste values from a CSV/XLSX file.
  6. Select Apply to add your selected values to the filter.

Filter by List of Copied Values from CSV or XLSX

Users can copy and paste multiple values from a CSV/XLSX file,separated by a comma or line break, as an alternative way to create a filter when using the following operators:

  • Starts With
  • Contains
  • In
  • Does Not Start With
  • Does Not Contain
  • Not In
  • Ends With

To create a filter by copying and pasting values from a CSV/XLS file:

  1. Choose a dashboard from the Content screen.
  2. Select Filter (funnel icon) from the filter bar to open the filter dialog.
  3. Select Paste Values from the values pane, located directly under the search bar.
  4. Select a delimiter: Comma or Line Break.
  5. Copy and paste one or more values separated by the selected delimiter.
  6. Select the Add (+) button to review your selections made on the value pane.
  7. Finally, select Apply to create and apply the filter.

Configure Dashboard Runtime Filters

There are three configurations of dashboard runtime filters:

  • Default runtime filter
  • Optional runtime filter
  • Mandatory runtime filter

A default runtime filter is active by default and applied to the dashboard when opened. They can be optional or mandatory.

An optional runtime filter can be activated (applied) or removed at the user’s discretion.

A mandatory runtime filter is applied to a dashboard automatically and cannot be removed. You can, however, change or add parameters to this type of filter, but there must always be one filter parameter in place.

Remove a Dashboard Runtime Filter

To remove a single runtime filter: click the X on the filter label.

To remove all filters: select Clear All.

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