Install EBS Accelerator

Application Source EBS R12.x

To install the EBS Accelerator, perform the following steps:

  1. Download and unzip the package zip file. Contact Incorta support to obtain this file.
  2. Import the ebsver<>.zip tenant from CMC by going to the Cluster tab. Then, under the Tenants table, click the + icon to import the tenant.
  3. Copy all the CSV files (for example, Date_US.csv) in the data folder of the unzipped package to the <INSTALLATION_PATH>/tenants/<TENANT_NAME>/data folder.
  4. Allocate 10 GB or more to the Spark Worker process in the file <INCORTA_HOME>/IncortaNode/spark/conf/
  5. Restart Spark. Check the Spark configuration using the Spark Master UI at http://<HOST_NAME>:9091.
  6. Configure the following datasources:

    • EBS
    • VCP (This is the Oracle ASCP solution. Thus, only customers using Oracle ASCP for supply chain planning would need to configure this data source.)
    • Incorta (this is the metadata database connection, by default it is set to mysql but it can be changed to Oracle, see appendix for details)
    • Incorta-Over-Incorta - Update the JDBC URL in the cluster management console (CMC). By default, the SQLi should be enabled on port 5436, for example, jdbc:postgresql://<HOST>:5436/<TENANT_NAME>
    • SparkSQL - Update the JDBC URL in the cluster management console (CMC). By default, the SQLi should be enabled on port 5442, for example, jdbc:postgresql://<HOST>:5442/<TENANT_NAME>.

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