Dashboard Filter Options

About Filter Options

Similar to the relationship between dashboard runtime filters and Bookmarks, Filter Options allow you to save sets of applied filters.

You can categorize sets of multiple applied filters with varying configurations and save them as a Filter Option in order to view that dashboard in different contexts. This can be useful if you want to compare the results of a dashboard through the lens of a user with different permission sets and security filters.

Predefined session variables and security filters will determine the visibility of Filter Options for each user granted access to the dashboard.

View Filter Options

Once a set of Filter Options are selected and applied, the Filter Option icon (padlock icon) will appear to the right of the dashboard title.

Hover your cursor over the Filter Option icon (padlock) to view the title of the currently applied Filter Option.

To apply a different Filter Option from the dashboard view:

  1. Select the Applied Filter icon (padlock) to view a list of available filter options.
  2. Choose a Filter Option from this list to apply changes to the dashboard.

Add New Filter Options

  1. Choose a dashboard from the Content screen.
  2. Select More Options (kebab icon) then Manage Filters & Prompts to open Dashboard filters.
  3. Select Filter Options (funnel with gear) in the upper right corner.
  4. Select + (plus icon) to add a formula to open the filter options menu.
  5. Enter a name for this filter option in the Display Name field.
  6. Drag and drop a formula or column to the Filter Option field.
  7. Select the down caret to open the property menu for a formula or column, and set the Filter Option properties.
  8. Toggle the **Default **switch on to apply this filter option by default (optional).
  9. Select Done to save your selections and return to the dashboard.

Configure Filter Options

Set Column Filter Option Properties

To set (or edit) Filter Option Properties for a column, follow these steps after you have created your Filter Option.

From the Filter Option window:

  1. Select the down caret to open the filter option properties menu.
  2. Select Edit Operator / Values.
  3. Select [ Operator] to choose a different operator (By default the operator is In.)
  4. Search for and add values for the filter.
  5. Select Filter in the top right corner of the property menu to save the filter expression.
  6. In the action bar, select Done to save the filter option properties chosen.

Set Formula Filter Option Properties

To set (or edit)Filter Option properties for a formula, follow these steps after you have created your Filter Option.

From the Filter Option window:

  1. Select the down caret to open the Properties Menu for the Filter Option.
  2. Click the Formula field to open the Formula Builder.
  3. Create calculations by selecting Functions and Variables from the panel on the right.
  4. Select Validate and Save when finished with your selections.
  5. Toggle Dynamic on to set a session variable value (optional)
  6. Select Done to save your selections.

Edit or Delete Filter Options

  1. Select More Options (kebab icon) in the dashboard’s action bar then Manage Filters & Prompts to open Dashboard filters.
  2. Select Filter Options (funnel with gear icon) in the upper right corner.
  3. Choose the Filter Option you want to edit and click the down caret to open the property menu.
  4. From the Filter Option properties menu, you can do the following:

    • Change the display name.
    • Add an additional formula or column.
    • Redefine existing formula and column properties.
    • Make this the default filter.
    • Delete the Filter Option.
  5. Select Done to save your changes and return to the dashboard.

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